martes, abril 18, 2006

La familia Etheridge se agranda

Tammy está esperando para el otoño del norte nada más y nada menos que mellizos/as ¿qué tul?
Aquí va el anuncio tal cual salió el sitio de MLE:

04.17.06 Message from Melissa and Tammy

We are thrilled to announce that Tammy is pregnant, and expecting our twins sometime around this fall. To answer the obvious question: we used an anonymous donor from a bank. These are our first two babies conceived together, but not our first time mothering together. For the past 5 years, we have been parenting two children, from a previous time in Melissa¹s life. The twins will be a joyful addition to our loving home. We are a blessed family, and ask that no gifts be sent. Any gifts we receive we will donate to a local women¹s shelter. However, well wishes are more than welcome!

Have a great summer, everyone!
Peace, Melissa and Tammy Etheridge

3 comentarios:

Julia Ardón dijo...

Felicidades a las chicas!!!

Vico dijo...

Hermosa noticia.

Anónimo dijo...

bien no pienso lo mismo pero en fin cada quien su vida, pero no creo que sea una supernoticia en particular me encata la musica de Melissa.